60 Minutes
Typical duration for an expertise exchange discussion. We'll spend 60 minutes in open Q&A in service of your desired outcome. All Expertise Exchange discussions target the following outcomes: allow for open questions and dialogue in service to providing the client with information based on practical, lived experience.30 Minutes
A quick, compact option for people might be short on time or who already have a few specific questions and desired knowledge identified for the conversation. All Expertise Exchange discussions target the following outcomes: allow for open questions and dialogue in service to providing the client with information based on practical, lived experience.90 Minutes
Sometimes a longer conversation is needed to dig in deeply and gain an greater understanding. With this extended time, we'll explore your questions in depth in service to your desired knowledge outcome. All Expertise Exchange discussions target the following outcomes: allow for open questions and dialogue in service to providing the client with information based on practical, lived experience.2 Hours
Intended for big questions or a number of questions that require a deep dive to build knowledge in the context of the situation. We'll explore your questions in depth in service to your current situation and knowledge that may serve you in building understanding. All Expertise Exchange discussions target the following outcomes: allow for open questions and dialogue in service to providing the client with information based on practical, lived experience.Initial Alchemy Conversation
Intended for potential new clients and/or previous clients interested in scheduling an Expertise Exchange. This complimentary discussion is designed to ensure that 1) client and coach are a good fit and 2) the client's situation is a good fit for an expertise exchange. We'll explore your current situation and desired outcomes, then identify alignment with the coach's lived experiences. By the end of this conversation, you will gain insight into how an expertise exchange might effectively support you in moving toward your desired outcomes.